This past weekend, instead of celebrating Father's Day, hearing confessions or celebrating mass in his Church of the Net Curtains garden loo, whiny Sean Manchester was up to no good. Although Don Ecker removed a public document that offended the delicate prelate, the Bish had Don's revised report removed here at Net Curtains as well. The Posse was forwarded the complaint from his royal highness and excellency himself:
[Note: we have deleted the private contact information that does not appear in public records, even though we don't have to because the man is a public figure and the address he uses is also a commercial address. But we are nicer and have more ethics than Sean. ]
Nine images uploaded by Don Ecker on the page above are my exclusive"Sen" Manchester? Looks like the ASCII text stripped out his stupid non-English accented a.
copyright. They have been stolen and completely misrepresented by Don Ecker who is engaged in a hate campaign against me in collaboration with a convicted felon in the UK. I have identified the nine infringed images below by recording the text immediately below (or alongside)each image.
Pursuant to 17 USC 512(c)(3)(A), this communication serves as a
statement that:
I am the exclusive rights holder for the images that appear with the captions or adjoining text:
1. Here is the Rt. Reverend fending off a Vampire Bat displayed on his book "The Vampire Hunter's Handbook."
2. Yes, here is ol' Sean, (who by the way was calling himself a Lord, Hey it's a British thing)
3. The secret of these two guys (in my very informed opinion) was that
back in the day
4 & 5. The really funny part was when the Criminal Investigators came to question Farrant demanding to know where Manchester's body was.
6. Sean and Sarah
7. I don't know if you've ever seen a wound on someone's throat . but I have and this sure as hell isn't one.
8. Sean Manchester or or David Farrant?
9. Peace Treaty.
These images have been unlawfully reproduced from two editions of my book "The Highgate Vampire" (ISBN 0951060600 & ISBN 1872486010) and from my website http://www.holygrail-church.fsnet.co.uk. I am the author and their contents are my exclusive copyright. These exclusive rights are being violated by material available upon your site at the following URL: http://highgate-vampire.com/donereport.pdf
I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such a fashion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder's agent, or the law; Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, I state that the information contained in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on the behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question; I may be contacted by the following methods: 5(deleted) Road,Bournemouth BH6 3SS, England, United Kingdom. Telephone: 0120(deleted).
E-mail: bishop@holygrail-church.fsnet.co.uk
I hereby request that you remove or disable access to this material as it appears on your service in as expedient a fashion as possible.
Thank you.
+Sen Manchester (The Right Rev'd)
Well Sean, I'm flummoxed. Your sock puppet the Demonologist said you never read the blogosphere as you are far to busy with important things, yet here you are emailing in person. You traffic with Satanists, yet see yourself as the holiest of holies. You lift other's images, use them and claim fair use, but infringe upon the rights of others to use your images even when it's within their legal rights. Sean, you are the biggest hypocrite in the western world.
Oh, well. Don's report may be gone for now, but some good came out of this. Some of the Posse may be traveling to London on business in the coming months. We'll ring you up when we get there. Perhaps we can have tea. Or perhaps our resident Don Juan of the Cubicle will chat up the wife if she's lonely.
In any event, cheers mate. We'll be in touch and see you soon! I think the delightful Ms. Furbish is coming with us, so perhaps you'll be nice and autograph her copy of THV.