Monday, June 15, 2009

More Tech Issues

Ok, I've fixed the background. This was a bug in Internet Explorer 6. IE 6 cannot handle transparent PNG files used in the style sheet. Of course, if you are using IE 6 you need to upgrade because the next upgrade of Blogger will not be backward compatible.

Since I had to go through a zillion lines of code to fix this, the poll and many things were wiped out. I've restored as many as possible.

As Baldry Cat could not post using the drop down comment section, I changed the default to a pop up window. Not as neat and readable, but hopefully it will work for everyone. If it does not, this blog may move to Wordpress in the future as it has less issues.
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Notice to Internet Explorer Users

If you are using IE 6 you must upgrade to IE 8. IE 6 is obsolete and cannot set the colors correctly on this blog.

Here is the link to Microsoft and the Upgrade.

If you are seeing double, you are using IE 6. You must upgrade. If you are using IE 6 you must upgrade to IE 8. IE 6 is obsolete and cannot set the colors correctly on this blog. Here is the link to Microsoft and the Upgrade.
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Sean Manchester Loses Bid to Revolutionise Hand Stake

HBO Beats Him to the Punch!

"If I'm remembered for nothing else, I'd like to be remembered for developing, indeed, revolutionizing the hand stake. "
-Sean Manchester
Bloodlust by Carol Page

Netcurtains was shocked at the revelation that ace vampire hunter, Sean Manchester, has indeed missed the boat in his legacy. These photographs forwarded to us by Administrative Executive, Office Dominatrix and She Who Keeps the Keys to the Supply Closet, the delightful Ms. Furbish, indeed proves Sean has failed yet again.

New Zealand vamp hunters were delighted with this convenient marketing ploy by Home Box Office (a Division of Time Warner) which provides instant access to hand stakes in case of emergency vampire attack.

Some anti-vampire groups are warning of more vampire activity as more vamps are mainstreaming due to the popularity of the HBO Series True Blood.

An attempt to contact The Fellowship of the Sun about aiding in the design went unanswered. However, a spokesman who declined to give his name, did mention Mr. Manchester as "a rank amateur" and questioned if he has been "saved. "

In any event, Sean has failed again. We can only wonder what this set-back will do to his self esteem.

Somewhere in Bournemouth, a tea pot cozy is spinning!
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Our First Fan Art by American Psycho

It's Monday morning in America, one of the most abysmal times for any working Joe in the country. In the next few minutes we will hear the call of our boss and begin our Monday ritual of Lets Hold A Meeting.

However, to lighten a dreary day, Net Curtains has been sent its first fan art. Thank you American Psycho! It does capture the essence of this bizarre internet soap opera.

BTW - I love the term "Cubicle Posse." I'm going to add that to the bio.

So there you are folks! Millions are reading, so if you have fan art, stories or tales of harassment, then let us hear from you. Just use the contact form and we'll be in touch!

Happy Monday!

The Looooone Stranger

Edit: Sorry for the typos and such. Composing and talking on the phone at the same time is not my strong suit.
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